Friday, February 24, 2012

The Tennis Player - Los Angeles

Beckham wants to be a tennis player when he grows up and he already has the entire outfit. He tried a few action shots as we were shooting by the pool and the tennis ball ended up in the water.

We started another kickstarter Fundraiser and we are inviting you to take a look at the link and share it with as many people as you can

Thank you for your support!


Beckham veut devenir joueur de tennis quand il sera grand et il a déjà la tenue. Il a essayé quelques services à coté de la piscine oû nous prenions les photos et la balle de tennis a fini dans l'eau.

N'oubliez pas de jeter un oeil à notre page Kickstarter oû vous pouvez nous aider en donnant un don afin de nous aider à continuer ce projet.

Merci d'avance

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