Friday, October 7, 2011

Haiti Day #4: L'ecole des enfants du Village de l'avenir

Pictures by Helena Harper and Sebastien Roche-Lochen

After our first two days in Haiti we moved from the guesthouse where we were sharing bunk beds in dorms to a beautiful little Guesthouse located in Delmas. The owner of the guesthouse also runs a school, an hour away from her hotel. The kids were still on vacation so she asked them to come for one morning just to participate in our project. The school was under renovation but we could see a difference with the orphanages right away. The kids at the school had electricity, running water and lots of toys to play with.

The kids at the school were a little more demanding than the ones at the orphanages, they obviously had seen a lot of different people from various organizations go through their buildings in the past. There was even a photography school across the hall from them created by a woman from Belgium. She helps teenagers from Port-au-prince become working photographers.

When the director of the school walked in the class they all stood up and acted like the nicest kids. then we started explaining to them why we were there. They started thinking about their future and began working on their drawings. A few minutes later the director left the room and chaos started.

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